This is my Second NDKHello2 Demo project for newbies
SourceCode Link:https://github.com/JohnnyIqbal/NDKHello2
Please add appcompat library to run this project
In this demo I added a folder src in jni folder and tried to compile.
I followed this process to make this project.
1. Create NativeLib.java file
2. Open terminal and head to project directory
or you can use this command
4. Create NativeLib.c file and copy method signature in NativeLib.c
and don't foreget to include NativeLib.h
Note:NewStringUTF sometimes this function shows error means red line to suppress this error please update your CDT.
5. Add new folder in jni called src add some c files and header files as I did main.c and main.h
6. Call main.h function in NativeLib.c by including main.h header files.
7.Now create Android.mk file and write these lines to build
8.Create Application.mk to suppress the Warnning or error android-19 is larger than minsdkversion 8 and write this lines
9.Open terminal head to project root and fire this command
10. Now run your Android NDKHello Project.
This is my Second NDKHello2 Demo project for newbies
Please add appcompat library to run this project
In this demo I added a folder src in jni folder and tried to compile.
I followed this process to make this project.
1. Create NativeLib.java file
2. Open terminal and head to project directory
cd bin/classes
and generate header files of NativeLib.java using this command javah -jni com.iqbal.ndkhello.ndk.NativeLib
3. Copy NativeLib.h file in jni folder (Create if not exist in project root)or you can use this command
javah -jni -o ../../jni/NativeLib.h com.iqbal.ndkhello.ndk.NativeLib
4. Create NativeLib.c file and copy method signature in NativeLib.c
and don't foreget to include NativeLib.h
Method Signature eg:
JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_com_iqbal_ndkhello_ndk_NativeLib_getHello2
this is the declared method in header files and change to method defination #include"NativeLib.h"
JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_com_iqbal_ndkhello_ndk_NativeLib_getHello (JNIEnv *env, jclass clz){ return (*env)->NewStringUTF(env,"Hello World2"); }
Note:NewStringUTF sometimes this function shows error means red line to suppress this error please update your CDT.
5. Add new folder in jni called src add some c files and header files as I did main.c and main.h
6. Call main.h function in NativeLib.c by including main.h header files.
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_iqbal_ndkhello2_ndk_NativeLib_getAdd(
JNIEnv *env, jclass clz, jint a, jint b) {
int c=add(a,b); //this function declared in main.h and defiened in main.c
return c;
7.Now create Android.mk file and write these lines to build
LOCAL_PATH:=$(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_SRC_FILES:=NativeLib.c src/main.c
8.Create Application.mk to suppress the Warnning or error android-19 is larger than minsdkversion 8 and write this lines
android-8 is my minsdkversion so be sure about this change according to minsdkversion in AndroidManifest.xml9.Open terminal head to project root and fire this command
10. Now run your Android NDKHello Project.